How to Make Your Service a Real Differentiator

client service professional advisor value added service Sep 25, 2024

Is your client service just average or awesome?

Many advisors promote great service as a differentiator, but is it? First, remember that value added only comes from doing the unexpected. So, if what you do is expected by clients, it’s just your admission ticket to being a professional advisor, not a differentiator.

Many advisors make that mistake. They suppose that simply replying quickly to calls, updating policy records, calling clients on their birthday, sending a stock newsletter, and following up on promises is so special that it makes them different. It doesn’t.

Consider that “Advice is Your Product and Service Is Your Business” so real value-added service is something more than the absolute basics like just mentioned. Think instead about what no one expects from their life insurance professional anymore and do that.

Things like:

  1. Aggregating all their life insurance policies in one document and providing annual updates;
  2. Delivering new policies in person and explaining the value of it page by page;
  3. Checking in on clients 30 days after delivery to ensure their satisfaction;
  4. Making courtesy calls at least twice a year to check for any changes to their family or business situation that impacts their planning or to make new recommendations based on new laws and regulations;
  5. Providing a high-quality policy case to ensure that the client or even more importantly, the beneficiary can find them when needed; and
  6. Providing a list of vetted and updated local professionals so clients have the contacts they need when they need them.

That’s real value added and it’s what makes for awesome service and real differentiation.


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