How to Write and Keep Bullet-Proof Life Insurance Business

solis solis school of life insurance sales Feb 03, 2025
SOLIS #35 with Jim bullock

Do you imagine there is a worse feeling than the sinking feeling of getting a legal letter accusing you of some professional error or omission?

On the contrary, would there be a better feeling than the relief of knowing your business is all buttoned up and you are free and clear?

Jim Bullock has well over 40 years of experience as a licensed independent life insurance agent and 20 years as an expert witness in life insurance agent duty of care. He has worked both sides of the court scores of times both with advisors on defense and against them with plaintiffs. So, it’s fair to say he knows what you need to know to write “Bullet-proof” business.

Jim simplifies and makes difficult insurance concepts easy to follow which works well in court and especially well in guiding agents so they can stay out of court.

 Most Solis sessions are about sales offence confidence, but this one, Solis 36, is just as important, and it is about sales defence confidence – writing the right business in the right way for the right people at the right time – and KEEPING the business you write and your reputation.

Jim and I have been friends for many years, and I can say no one has been more influential with me in my understanding the importance of professional presentations, effective field underwriting, and solid policy delivery than he has. No one. And I know you need to know what he knows.

Jim and I will try to get to all these vitally important topics:

  1. The biggest and costliest mistakes Agents make.
  2. The key ideas and strategies to “Bulletproof” your cases.
  3. Understanding “Field Underwriting”; an often-forgotten responsibility.
  4. Preparing accurate and professional presentations that keep you legal.
  5. How to properly and professionally handle rated cases?
  6. Delivering insurance policies so they are “in force” and “in effect”
  7. The crucial keys to handling claims

And, if we can’t get through them all, we may have to invite Jim back. I guarantee you will learn a valuable lesson you didn’t know. Please join us for your own sake! 

If you are already a Solis Member, please join me for Solis 36 in conversation with Jim Bullock on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 1:00pm Eastern for an engaging, exciting, educational, and entertaining 2-hour conversation about growing and protecting your business with one of Canada’s top expert witnesses in the field.

And, if you are not already a member (what’s stopping you from being your best?) remember that only Advisorcraft Solis gives you the best sales and practice management ideas from the best advisors and consultants in the world to help you build your life insurance sales confidence. Hearing from Jim will be a great kickoff to your 2025!

And join our Solis Group Coaching Session on Thursday, February 27th for even more insights and answers to your life insurance sales confidence questions.

Click on to join today and learn the strategies of dozens of the world’s best agents. If you want Up Your Life Insurance Sales Game today, be sure to take advantage of the Solis On-Demand Video Life Insurance Sales Library today… The best investment you can make is in yourself – and it’s tax-deductible!

Think about it. What would it be worth to you if only got one idea that increased your income by 10 percent each year, from now on? That’s the leverage of Solis.

See you on February 25th with Jim Bullock!


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